This isn't really a political statement about how they treat Vets in Massachusets, but I just love it.
Some loser shoots a former MP, who then proceeds to pound the crap out of him until the police arrive. You just can't keep those Bailey boys down!! Thanks to Radix on for posting this. Entertaining if nothing else, check it out Vet shot in Dunkin' Donuts parking lot: Weymouth man gets stitches to forehead
Good job to the yong MP. Wish I was nearby to help him copmpletely finish rhe job!!!! Hats off to serving your country. Thank God our country produces men like you.
Posted by: John | 30 September 2004 at 11:03 AM
Sorry for the errors in spelling in my earlier post. My two year old was trying to help me type.:)
Posted by: John | 30 September 2004 at 11:05 AM
Har-de Har Har.
I just love to hear about bullies getting their asses handed to them--in a style remniscent of Jennjis Kaaahn.
Posted by: Dan Patterson | 30 September 2004 at 01:05 PM
Something's fishy about this story... he was shot AT a Dunkin' Donuts, and no cops were around?
Posted by: Grim | 30 September 2004 at 02:46 PM
I experienced something similar years ago in Chicago when i visited "The windy" with a friend for a show, and then Pizza in "New Town"....we were walking back to our car when three thugs leaped out and wanted to rearrange our faces.
However, my companion was a 4th Dan Blackbelt in the arts....
He broke some noses, and eliminated their attack in so short a time I didn't even know what was going....
Loved every moment of it as these guys were clueless and helpless in the face of a serious "fire power" guy!
Posted by: Duke DeLand | 30 September 2004 at 03:11 PM
Way to go! If the would be killer spent some constructive time in the millitary instead of being a total jackass he might have been a better shot! Lucky for our MP! Always attack never retreat, not one step back. A good lesson for us all! HooRa! From a former grunt!
Posted by: dale | 30 September 2004 at 09:02 PM
Good on him!
Too bad this was in MA...had it been gun friendlier state he would have been able to draw his own gun and maybe avoid being shot altogether! Her certainly would not have had to fight the guy twice!
Posted by: Army of Dad | 01 October 2004 at 06:13 AM
Don't shoot the MP; it'll just piss him off.
Good on ya, son!
Posted by: Cautiously Pessimistic | 01 October 2004 at 08:49 AM
Does anybody know how one might paypal a few sheckles to Mr. Bailey to buy a round of his favorite potation?
Certain presidential aspirants should remember that a "global test" looks a less like a harvard yard chat session and a lot more like Mr. Bailey's confrontation.
Posted by: Steve Poling | 01 October 2004 at 01:46 PM
I am glad that turned out so well for the MP. Good Job.
Posted by: Eric Blair | 13 October 2004 at 04:15 PM