From Ed over at Captain's Quarters:
Insurgents Hauling 380 Tons Of Explosives Not Exactly A Covert ActUnfortunately for the New York Times, no one gave a thought about the logistics of the notion that small bands of insurgents made off with 380 tons of explosives under the noses of the Coalition with no one noticing. CQ reader and retired Army Reserve Captain Ian Dodgson got paid to think about logistics, and he did some "cocktail-napkin" math that escaped the geniuses at the Paper of Record:...
...Bottom line this operation would take the resources of AN ENTIRE COMPANY (approx. 100 men) OVER TWO WEEKS, good Intel to know exactly where the "right" explosives were hidden and a means of breaching huge steel doors and concrete of an ASP.
And all of this would have to be done in an area with numerous intel overflights that would be looking for exactly this kind of activity in the combat zone, and not get noticed at all. Like so much of what the New York Times, CBS, and the Kerry campaign feeds us ... it just doesn't add up.
Captain Dodgson lays out all the number crunching and calculations to back all his conclusions up. Worth reading (Especially for a Loggie like me!). What it tells me, loud and clear, is that the stuff was taken out of there while we waited for the U.N. to join the coalition to oust Saddam Hussein and while we were trying "diplomacy" instead of "Rushing to war". Yet another concrete example of how John Kerry's world-view and way of doing things is ineffective and will get more people (and more Americans) killed in the long run.