Dink. That's what us Navy types (submarine guys, in particular) call people that are behind in their work. It's short for delinquent, but Dink has more of a gut level "you ain't holdin' up your end" to it.
So, I'm kinda Dink on the ole blog this week. I just noticed that I hadn't posted anything for several days. Lots of reasons and excuses, and we all know that excuses are like ..., well you get the picture...
I flew down to California for a couple of days with the beautiful and wonderful Mrs. Hamilton's Pamphlets and decided to go sans laptop. I really didn't even miss it, till we were stuck at the airport in San Francisco for several hours...
Not really sure I'm going to do much better over the upcoming days. Thanksgiving is Family Time and we're headed off to see relatives (with NO broadband connection) so I doubt there will be much blogging.
This weekend we're helping a Habitat for Humanity project in our community which will keep us pretty busy, but I'll try to give a run down on how that goes. I've wanted to get involved with Habitat for a long time and finally bit the bullet and jumped in. I hope it goes well. From the outside looking in, it sure looks like a great program.
There's also that work thing... The military is part of the Government and as we all know, the government kinda goes dormant from the end of the second week of December until the first Monday after New Year's. So... we try to cram as much activity as we can into the two weeks after Thanksgiving, because we know nothing is going to happen during the "dormant" phase...so I've got that manic work thing going on too.
All a very long explanation for being "DINK". Sorry!