In my profession (for those not familiar, that would be the United States Navy) there's an old saying that "one Aw sh*t, wipes out a thousand atta boys". Clearly, SPC Wilson's Aw Sh*t, wiped out thousands of SECDEF's atta boys.
Much has been made of the exchange in the MSM and amongst the moonbats of the left. While the anti-war, anti-Bush crowd will chant "I told you so" until they pass out from hyperventilation, the reality is that it is "much ado about nothing".
We in the military have known that we had a shortage of armored HUMVEE's, since before the conflict started and had been working like crazy to get more. But just as SECDEF pointed out, it's a matter of physics. You can't just snap your fingers and "poof" you're cranking out 450 a month this month where you built 15 last month. That's the logistics facts on the Humvee's.
What I don't get is how SECDEF and his people lost control of this thing. I have been an Admiral's Aide in the Pentagon and Military Aide to a Congressman and I have never seen a bigger PR screw up than that Town Hall Meeting. Three things jump out at me: 1) Choosing the Town Hall Meeting Format, 2) Not vetting the Questions ahead of Time and 3) Allowing the press in the meeting.
I'll take them in order. Number one, Town Hall Format. I understand that SECDEF has done this format in the past and that he is a tough, stand-up, no BS kinda guy that is not afraid to do a give and take with the troops. However, there is a time and a place for every kind of format. This audience, in this location, at this point in their deployment cycle was NOT the right time for that format. If SECDEF over-rode advice not to do a Town Hall, well he is the Boss and he's the one that has to live with the consequences.
Number two, not vetting the questions. I understand that the SECDEF wants to get the "unfiltered inputs from the troops", but this is what happens when no one screens the questions. You get uninformed questions based on hearsay, rumor and "legend" and in this case apparently planted by the media. You also have a very high potential for making the boss look stupid. He cannot possibly know the details of every gripe, screw up, shortage, or mistake in the entire Department of Defense, but you have the possiblity he'll get asked those very questions. Had SPC Wilson's question been screened, his chain of command could have answered his questions and addressed his concerns and saved the SECDEF some uncomfortable moments.
Number three, The Media. If you're going to push ahead into mine infested waters by doing 1 and 2, why in the world would you bring in the MSM to watch you get flogged? I think there's some folks in the SECDEF's office or whoever set that up that should be looking for employment elsewhere. That was a colossal screw up.
Monday morning quarterbacking aside, I think SECDEF did a good job answering the questions, even the loaded one from SPC Wilson. His genuine care and concern for the troops shows through and it is unmistakable. I think he made the best of a truly poorly managed situation.
As for SPC Wilson. Clearly out of line. 2Slick nails it and Matthew Heidt (Froggy Ruminations) is spot on as well. Froggy sums it up best:
I am not going to criticize this National Guardsmen for having a legitimate complaint about the equipment he must use to fight in Iraq, but taking it up with the SECDEF on TV is unsat. Does he really think that Rumsfeld wouldn't rather have 2 armored hummers for every soldier? Like he said, it's a matter of physics rather than a matter of desire. There is a time and place to make these kind of inquiries, but this was neither.
Military bureaucracy is pervasive no matter what branch or field of service, and the troops will always have more than enough things to bitch about. That doesn't mean that they aren't committed to doing their jobs, it's just a way to let off steam and allieviate frustration...
Another saying we have in the Navy is: "A happy sailor is a bitchin sailor". Froggy is right, it's just a way to blow off steam. SPC Wilson should have used his chain of command and got answers to his questions and concerns. But I can't blame SPC Wilson completely, whoever decided that it was a "great idea" to have a "bitch session with the SECDEF" in front of the media should be working for a different three letter organization, like CBS, not the DoD.
So many on the side of appeasement will try to make something of this, I think it will fade quickly and in the end won't have done much damage to SECDEF, the military, DoD or the war effort, but it sure won't have helped.