I started to do this as an update to yesterday's post: Washington Recount Math, but the more I wrote, the more I wanted this to be a separate post.
Stefan provided some higher math in the comments to yesterday's post last night. I had pointed out that the 561 "found ballots" in King County were conveniently just enough to give Ms. Gregoire a narrow 2 vote victory. Stefan wrote to tell me that it turns out that as of yesterday there were 577 "wrongly disqualified ballots". Using his superior math skills Stefan determined that the 577 ballots should yield a 106 vote advantage for Ms. Gregoire in King County.
Strangely, Dino Rossi had a 106 vote advantage as of about 5:00 pm yesterday, with 32 of 39 counties reporting in. Proving once again that their math skills suck like a Hoover (sorry but I'm still not sold on Dyson) the Dems managed to manufacture a TIE. Not a "virtual tie" or a "statistical tie", but a real no kidding they have the same number of votes tie.
Using my questionable math talent, and my numbers from yesterday (mostly cause I didn't save that spreadsheet), that leaves six counties left to report and Rossi has averaged around a 2 net vote gain per county, so it looked like a 12 vote win for Rossi.
But wait, on my way to work today while listening to KVI (AM 570) and Kirby Wilbur, I hear that yesterday's number was 573 not 577 and that King County has "found" 22 MORE ballots bringing the grand total to 595. I think the math still holds up, but even if it doesn't, you can count on King County to come up with a few more ballots to pad Gregoire's margin.
Using Stefan's numbers from yesterday, that would result in 21 two party votes. Use the 60/40 split numbers and GUESS WHAT?! It gives Gregoire 13 votes, or a 1 vote margin of victory. Does it get any more transparent than this? Every time the math goes against Gregoire, King County "finds" just enough ballots to eke out a Gregoire win.
Last night at Sound Politics Stefan Sharkansky started calling King County "Ukraine County". I think that is an insult to Ukraine. At least in the Ukrainian elections nearly everyone condemned them as invalid and corrupt (gratefully, Jimmy Carter didn't weigh in). Here, no one seems to want to step up and call it what it appears to be: FRAUD. How else can anyone explain that King County keeps "finding" just enough ballots to push their candidate over the top. Sorry, but I just don't believe that it is coincidence. Maybe it's time to get fitted for my tinfoil hat... Maybe not...
Other recommended reading:
Sound Politics (Stefan Sharkansky & Jim Miller)
Josef's Public Journal (Josef - everybody's favorite Dinocrat)
Flag Of The World (Timothy Goddard)
Pull On Superman's Cape (Mac - be prepared for HEAVY math)
Hrmmm... Maybe the Polish President will have to come to Olympia and sit down with Dino and Chris and get them to shake hands. Should I start stocking up on orange carnations to put down the barrels of the rifles when we gather in the streets of the capital in peaceful protest?
Posted by: ninme | 15 December 2004 at 12:08 PM
This is typical of the Democratic Party. If you cannot win it legally, either complain about voter fraud, intimidation, discrimination and while the public is distracted, manufacture enough "lost" ballots to claim victory in a recount. Enjoy the victory this time, in four years, the state of Washington will turn red.
Posted by: bccloss | 15 December 2004 at 09:42 PM
All you have to do to see the Democratic plan for close elections is look at what happened in the Eighth Congressional District of Indiana back in 1984. Things have never been the same since the (at that time) Deomcratically controlled Congress refused to seat the certified Republican winner, conducted their own recount, and ended up declaring the Democrat a winner by 4 votes and seated him, basically overturning the will of the people of that district. The "Bloody Eighth" provided a battle plan that Democrats are still using, and was the turning point that led to more confrontational politics in Washington DC ever since.
Posted by: Cornroaster | 16 December 2004 at 05:44 AM
I just posted a most interesting press release at http://josef-a-k.blogspot.com
Posted by: Josef | 16 December 2004 at 03:32 PM