Apparently I say that a whole lot. Interestingly my 4 year old son has noticed. Now he says it too. Holy Crap, is his mom mad at me! Whoops, did it again. Holy Crap! Dang, there it goes again...
Anyway, Holy Crap, I hadn't read Lancelot Finn's blog for a few days (kinda got out of the habit while he was off getting married and honeymooning and all) and he's got Three, yes THREE excellent posts that I feel compelled to share.
First, Bush Is On A Roll great links, great post. You know how perfect everything sounds in your head when you want to explain what you're thinking, well that's how he writes.
Next is War Supporters Gone Bad. A lament on the "Chicken Hawks" who cluelessly say that while they initially supported the war, they don't now. Huh? From Lancelot:
I've heard this before. I just don't get it. Is this guy aware that a dictator who killed between 1 million and 6 million people would still be in power today without the war? Is that not registering somehow? Has this guy read Iraq the Model, the Mesopotamian, Healing Iraq, or any of dozens of others? Not that they support everything we do-- some of them are quite critical of us sometimes, of course-- but wanting to shut them up in Saddam's prison-state again is something I just can't imagine.
It's like saying, "You know, maybe we should have just left Hitler alone. Heck, most of the Jews were dead anyway by the time we got there..."
Holy Crap, I wish I'd written that! (there it is again, I'm thinking hypno therapy may be in order...)
Finally, Why I Can't Read The Mainstream Media. Excerpt from Lancelot:
Unless every single Bush voter voted for the reasons CBS states, the meaningfulness of any such generalization depends on some kind of statistics. For example, if 35% of voters supported Bush because they like his hairdo, 10% of voters supported him because he comes first in alphabetical order, and 6% of voters supported him for a variety of policy-related reasons including Iraq, tax cuts, and loose environmental policies, we could justify a statement such as
"Bush was elected because of his appealing hairdo and his last initial."because most of Bush's supporters voted for him for one of those reasons. We would ignore the policy-related voters because they were relatively few.
Holy Crap! (ah, what the hell, I'm embracing my flaw) If I could write HALF as good as this guy, I'd quit my day job, move to Washington DC or New York and start a PR firm and try to get a column and a radio show. Go check this stuff out, you'll see what I mean.
The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride f*cking with you. F*ck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps.
Posted by: Name | 29 March 2009 at 03:08 AM