Did anyone else hear the exchange between the caller on KVI (AM 570 in Seattle) and KOMO TV's Ken Schram just before Christmas?
The caller said something to the effect of "the arrogance and insulting way that Ken and the main stream media treat their readers/viewers/listeners was driving people away and they were turning to Talk Radio and the internet and Blogs to get their news and information".
Did you hear Ken's* response? People who get their information from the internet and blogs are (and I quote) "Idiots".
Loved the callers response, which was something like "And you get paid six figures to just insult the listeners? Nice. Thanks but I'll stick with guys like Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics when I want the real news about this election mess."
They moved on to the next caller and Ken continued to preen his superior debating skills and intellect (Hah!).
Well...yesterday (and apparently over the weekend) as the rest of the world caught up with Stefan and his breaking of the story of the more votes than voters. Even the Seattle P-I, credited Stefan with doing the research and breaking the story. It may actually be the "smoking gun" that gets this absurd election overturned.
On my way home from work yesterday, the caller from before Christmas called in. While he didn't come out and say it (although producer supremo Travis did) guess who looks like the idiot now...
Hugh Hewitt has picked up this topic (scroll all the way to the bottom) and is actively soliciting examples of this sort of MSM Blog cluelesness. I'm sending this one, anyone else that heard it should too. I just love it when the little guys get to tell the MSM Emperors that "they have no clothes"!
I haven't read Hugh's new book yet Blog : Understanding the Information Reformation That's Changing Your World but if it's half as good as his other stuff it's a must read. I'm already onto the second book of the Aubrey/Maturin series (i.e. Master and Commander). That's the second of about 20. Hugh will have to personally request that I stop reading that and read his book to get me to read it before I'm done with this one. I think I'll go ahead and buy it though, just so I have it when I finish...
*I edited from an earlier post to clarify that it was Ken that said Bloggers are idiots, not the caller.
What gets me, as a blogger who hyperlinks to the MSM and admires Ken Schram - this chap probably hasn't either read a blog or met a blogger before he shoots off his mouth.
Sound like David Horsey, eh?
Posted by: Josef | 04 January 2005 at 03:51 PM