Ninme put a link to one of the very nearly unhinged at DailyKos (WARNING: Foul language - Is anyone really surprised?). It truly grieves me to link to Kos, but you really have to read the post there to understand what my post is all about:
I am a Republican. I do not have a pile of money. Actually, this month I think my credit card balance is higher than my savings account balance.
I am a Republican. My kids go to public school. I checked out all the school districts in my area and bought my house in the best school district I could afford. I volunteer as a community member on the school board, too. I care about the education my kids are getting.
I do have a job with health insurance. I got a job with health insurance before I would even consider getting married and I sure as heck wouldn't consider bringing a child into this world that I couldn't provide health care for. That is worse than irresponsible, it is the worst kind of selfishness. Animals breed indiscriminantly, human beings were endowed with reason, we should use it.
I am a Republican. I am a Christian. The question of Grace is one that every thinking person should struggle with and every thinking Christian does struggle with. According to Christian Theology, the only way to get to Heaven is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. I believe that is true. Others are free to believe whatever they wish. I truly struggle with the concept that a good person, who has lived a good, law abiding life and happens to be a devout Jew or Muslim, will not go to Heaven. I do not believe that if you are Muslim, Jewish, Hindu or what ever that you are necessarily bad. I try not to judge people by such groupings. You are "good" or "bad" based on your personal actions, not your religious affiliation. That same logic applies to Political Party affiliation, too...
I am a Republican. I do believe that has the world's one remaining superpower, that we have a duty and an obligation to help other countries whenever possible to attain the freedoms and liberties we enjoy (and often take for granted).
I am a Republican. I don't have a condo in Vail. I skied there once, great skiing and outstanding apple pie and coffe at one of the upper lodges at lunch...a little on the expensive side, though, which explains why I haven't been there since 1999. I don't have a summer house in Maine. I've been to the LL Bean factory outlet in Freeport a couple of times, that was pretty cool. Sorry, no beach house in Florida either. I went to Disney World when I was a kid, though. I went scuba diving in Key West 3 years ago. That was fun. No beach house. I like National Forrests, and State Parks too. I also believe in Private Property and that the government should not "confiscate" private property to make parks nor should we make policies that threaten our very way of life over some remote piece of wilderness that very few if anyone will ever see (yes, I mean we should drill for oil in the arctic national wildlife refuge).
I am a Republican. I am white. I am far from perfect and I know that (that whole Grace concept from the I am a Christian section). I judge people on their character and their actions, not their color, gender, religion, etc. I don't get special treatment for loans, admission to country clubs, promotion, or anything else. Neither should anyone else. That's called equality.
I am a Republican. I don't live in a gated community and I don't know anyone who does. If crime got so bad that it wasn't safe for my family here I'd either move or I'd fight like hell to make things better. If I had to move, I'd do it even if it meant a lower paying job and a less nicer house and a lower socio-economic status. It's called responsibility. It is not something I give to the government or anyone else. I am responsible for me and my family. It is my responsibility to see that they are safe, fed, housed, educated, healthy and hopefully happy.
I am a Republican. I hate taxes. It is my money and I did earn it. I believe that government should be as small as practical. They should do things like fire, police, and ambulance services. Roads and schools, too. Parks and things like that, but that's about it. The social welfare "entitlements" that have become so common are nothing more than a redistribution of wealth. It takes from the uppper middle class and the middle class and gives to the poor. The rich have accountants and off shore accounts to protect them and the poor don't give - they receive. Plundering the middle class is so patently unfair it requires no further explanation.
I am a Republican. I don't hate homosexuals. I don't approve of their lifestyles, but I certainly don't hate them. I do not believe they should get special treatment or preferences either (as in a "protected" class to prevent discrimination). I think that their lifestyle choice does preclude them from certain jobs like teacher, coach, scout leader, minister. I'd feel the same way about a necrophiliac. What folks do in the privacy of their bedroom is none of my busines. Just don't do it in public. I'm not going to burn a cross in your yard or "have you run out of town" or fired (unless you happen to be in one of the aforementioned professions...) just don't expect me to invite you over for beers on the deck, ain't gonna happen. I don't hate homosexuals, we're just extremely unlikely to be friends.
I am a Republican. I wasn't born rich. I am the first generation to finish college (scholarships and student loans, all of which I paid back). There have been times when I worked two and three jobs at the same time to pay the bills. My Dad got laid off when the company he worked for went bankrupt when I was a kid. My mom went to work at a discount department store at minimum wage and my Dad went from white collar management to digging ditches. My grandparents lost their house during the depression and then worked like hell to get it back, which they did. No, I wasn't born rich. I make good money now cause I work hard for it and I worked hard to get here. You bet I want my kids to have a leg up and that I want to be able to give them something of what I have worked so hard to build up. I don't see a damn thing wrong with that.
I am a Republican. I make mistakes all the time. See I am a Christian above. Anyone who thinks they are perfect and never make mistakes should be on medication, if not confined altogether. It is oxymoronic to tell someone that they are a Christian and they think they are perfect. That shows a profound ignorance about both Christians and Republicans.
I am a Republican. I believe in the rights enumerated in the Constitution and all the amendments. Including the second amendment. And that whole spreading freedom and democracy thing a few statements back means that I believe that others are deserving of the same rights I have. Terrorists that do not represent a government or a state or even an ethnicity, with tenuous connections to a religion who kill innocent men & women do not and should not have the protection of our constitution. They have the right to provide us information about their partners in crime and then they have a right to die for their misdeeds, that's about it.
I am a Republican. I do not hate Democrats. I seriously can't think of a single Democrat that I hate. There are several I dislike a great deal. I disagree with most of them on most of the issues. But hate? Terrorists that blow up ice cream parlors full of kids and families, I hate them. Terrorists that cut off the heads of unarmed and helpless civilians, I hate them. Child pornographers, internet predators and pedophiles, I hate them. Hate Democrats? That's just plain silly. I believe that a healthy two party (at least) system is crucial to the ongoing success of our Republic. It pains me to see the Democrats imploding. I DO invite Democrats over for a beer on the deck, funny though so many of them are like Sue in NH and they hate me just because I'm a Republican. Makes me go hmmm...
The far left liberal looney moonbats that spew the venom that I felt compelled to respond to ARE THE PROBLEM in their party. Howard Dean's ascendency to the DNC chair is only going to empower them. God help us all cause the Democrat leadership and the far left fringe are taking the entire party over a cliff and that won't be good for any of us...
UPDATE: Ninme steps up to the plate: I'm a Republican... she's good. Anyone else care to take a shot at it?
Well said!
Posted by: DeadManVoting (aka Iguana) | 14 February 2005 at 07:23 PM
You tell them, my Republican brother! Hoo-rah!
Posted by: ninme | 14 February 2005 at 10:42 PM
The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride f*cking with you. F*ck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps.
Posted by: Name | 01 April 2009 at 06:59 AM