OUCH!!! I have official confirmation from none other than The Big Trunk, Scott Johnson of Power Line that they have, indeed, allowed pop up ads...
Will I still read Power Line?
Duh, it is one of the best blogs out there, of course I'll still read it. Will the annoying pop up ads annoy me every single time, yup.
Not wholly unlike Pavlov's Dogs, I have come to associate blog roll reading and Power Line. I cannot simply walk away over a pop up (not to mention the salivation that starts uncontrollably just talking about Pavlov and his pooches).
Bad graphics and background colors that hurt my eyes and give me a headache (and yes there are blogs like that) and I'm gone. Make me register (even for free) and I'll think long and hard before wandering in. Make me pay to access your site and I'm gone forever. Pop ups will annoy me, but they will not defeat me.
Maybe everyone should let the Three Amigos of Power Line know that they should dump the pop ups. If you agree here's where to contact them: [email protected] BE NICE! I like these guys and I like Power Line, but the pop ups gotta go.
Blogging and Pop Up Ads an unholy marriage if ever there was one. Is this the end of civilized blogging?
Update: I had asked Scott if I could use his response in my blog. As usual, the Power Line Guys are both gracious and thoughtful. His reply:
You have my permission.
You can say we have received fewer than five complaints/inquiries and
that we are allowing the popups on an experimental basis -- to see if
it's worth it to us in light of the aggravation we cause readers like
Best regards,
Scott Johnson
There you have it. I've given the Power Line Guys my feedback. Now it is up to the rest of my six loyal readers to DOUBLE the number of complaints (see email above). Unless, of course, you are lucky enough to be able to load some sort of pop up blocking software - which, alas, I cannot do at work. Or horror of all horrors, you actually like pop up ads, and Mister that is pretty sick.
Popup Ads? What are those? I haven't had one since I've been using Firefox (way back when it's called Phoenix).
Posted by: BigFire | 10 February 2005 at 02:29 PM
Firefox! You are free now! You don't have to suffer from Stockholm Syndrome anymore! You don't have to live like a hostage! Use Firefox!
Posted by: ninme | 10 February 2005 at 10:51 PM
I've used Mozilla for over a year...I forget what popups are...can you remind me?
Posted by: Jeff | 11 February 2005 at 01:50 PM
Of course, I'm using a Mac, so it's a moot question, really. (Safari is standard, and does popup blocking practically by default.)
Posted by: ninme | 11 February 2005 at 02:32 PM