No blogging over the weekend (didn't read them on Friday either) . Again I am pathetically uninformed.
Grabbed my coffee and my standard issue pop-tarts (same breakfast everyday, without fail) and dive headlong into the blogs.
Eason Jordan resigned?!? What?! Missed that in the Sunday paper...
I know that I said I wanted him canned, "I hope he gets forced out at CNN and ends up living under a freeway offramp with his tinfoil hat buddies, what a scumbag." But I find his exit vaguely unsatisfying.
I think what I really wanted was the truth to come out. I wanted the tape to be released so that everyone could be as revolted as I was and that by consensus EVERYONE (CNN shareholders, CNN viewers, journalists, bloggers, conservatives, etc) would want him to step down.
Am I glad he is out at CNN? Sure. I have not agreed with him on many decisions, including his cooperation with Sadam Hussein's regime in exchange for protection of his reporters. Impugning our military at DAVOS was clearly over the line and should have resulted in his ouster. However, his statements are speculation and hearsay at this point. Without the tapes, we will never know for sure what he said. On it's best face this is cowardly. Release the tape and let the public decide. Hiding behind the WEF and not letting the tape out is a bitter set back.
I would have liked to see the tape so I could make an informed judgement. To this point I have a reasonably well formed OPINION, but apparently facts will never come to light. Some bloggers may not notice, but this is bad for everyone all around. There's a good chance this will boomarang back on the blogs and they will get the reputation of "digital thugs" and "digital lynch mobs" - that my friends is not good. The MSM sacrifices Eason Jordan and beats down the blogs... That's good strategy on their part. Losing the battle, but winning the war... I don't like this at all.
I'm glad Jordan is gone, but I think the MSM will use this like a club to knock the blogoshpere on the head (repeatedly)...
Jim Geraghty has some great posts on this over at TKS. He has probably been the most level headed and insightful of all the bloggers on this since it began. Worth checking out...
UPDATE: Welcome TKS readers! Feel free to hang around and read the rest of the blather. For the best stuff around on Washington State politics, you've got to check out Sound Politics, though. Welcome aboard!