Just a few completely random thoughts...
- I didn't like it when the feds tried to "help" Elian Gonzales.
- I didn't like it when the feds tried to "help" Terri Schiavo.
- If we are bringing peace and democracy to Iraq/the middle east, why is gasoline so friggin expensive? Shouldn't we be getting a price break on oil for the lives and billions of $ we're pumping into the Persian Gulf region?
- Can we stop food and water to Michael Jackson and all the scum sucking media covering his trial? Change of venue to Florida, I hear that sort of thing is legal down there...
- Why is it that the states with the best beaches are the most screwed up? Specifically California and Florida. Can anyone in their right mind want to live in those states? (I'm not counting Hawaii in that, cause they really don't think they are one of the states anyway...)
- Whatever happened to the contested governor's race? Is the judge in Wenatchee just going to keep gathering facts and data for another 3 and 1/2 years and then there will be a new election and he can just say that it has been "overcome by events" (obe)?
- I'm thinking Rossi for Senator in '06 and McKenna for Governor in '08...
- Is the Washington State Legislature stupid enough to establish California vehichle emissions here? If they want screwed up laws, high taxes, and over regulation why don't they just move BACK to California?
- Can our new Nissan Pathfinder be any cooler? Don't think so. Glad we went with the Navigation thing. Glad we skipped the DVD player, the little pamphleteers get too much video anyway. Really dig the new SUV. Gas prices be damned!
- The damage done by Cong. Pat Schroder to the Navy post-tailhook still goes on...The people who were Lieutenants at that time are now Captains. Some of them should be in some other profession...However the vacuum created by the Schroder purges and pogroms left them in...Now the leadership vacuum at the O-6 level is vast and demoralizing... I'm not even going to start on the zero-defect culture and the damage done by the Clintons...
Enough for now... I'll be back (imagine the Terminator saying that for the complete package...)
No really, I'll be back.
Seriously, just cause I've been a blog slacker doesn't mean I won't be back!
Jeez...you guys are so demanding!
"Is the Washington State Legislature stupid enough to establish California vehichle emissions here? If they want screwed up laws, high taxes, and over regulation why don't they just move BACK to California?"
Er, good point.
Posted by: Nathan Azinger | 01 April 2005 at 05:22 PM
You are right on target on the post-Tailhook leadership challenge in Navy Air. What makes it worse, the Flag leadership is populated by the surviving Baby Boomers. Interesting population in some areas, with some interesting personnel management styles and C.V. I'll leave it at that.
There is good hope though. The batch of JOs I work with are outstanding people, with little patience with PC crap, and unlike most of their Senior Officers, they have significant combat experience. We just need to make sure that we promote the best of them, those that stay. There are a lot of snorklers there as well. Hopefully they will be shunned and allowed to go elsewhere..........I'm an optimist.
Posted by: CDR Salamander | 04 April 2005 at 06:39 AM