Thoughts on boys and education via Instapundit from a blog I never heard of, but completely agree with on this topic, Stepping Stone writes:
This week, I watched two wonderful documentaries on PBS. The night after "Country Boys" was over, I watched "Raising Cain," a documentary about the lives-- particularly the emotional lives-- of boys in America today. I was so fascinated by the program that I picked up the book, which has a particularly good chapter on the difficulties boys face in school.
Boys, the authors claim, face myraid difficulties in school, beginning in the earliest years. Developmentally, boys are generally more impulsive and more active than girls, and the development of school-related skills in boys can lag behind same-age girls by as much as a year. Since most schooling requires large blocks of time where children must remain seated, or quiet, or listen and follow directions, boys often struggle in school.
I'm not a big fan of the mess our public schools have become and this is only one of the reasons...